Peer-reviewed journals
Li, Y., Leith, K., Perras, M., Loew, S., (2021) Digital image correlation–based analysis of hygroscopic expansion in Herrnholz granite, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Dini, B., Jordan, A., Manconi, A., De Palezieux, L., Leith, K., and Loew, S. (2020) Regional‐Scale Investigation of Preconditioning Factors of Rock Slope Instabilities in NW Bhutan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, NATO Science Series, 125 (9): 113.
Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., Walter, J. M., and Krautblatter, M. (2020) Constraining Internal States in Progressive Rock Failure of Carrara Marble by Measuring Residual Strains With Neutron Diffraction. Journal of Geophysical Research, [Solid Earth] 125 (6): 1.
Wartburg, J., Ivy-Ochs, S., Aaron, J., Martin, S., Leith, K., Rigo, M., Vockenhuber, C., Campedel, P., and Viganò, A.. 2020. Constraining the Age and Source Area of the Molveno Landslide Deposits in the Brenta Group, Trentino Dolomites (Italy). Frontiers of Earth Science in China 8: 164.
Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., and Krautblatter, M.. (2018) Subcritical Crack Growth and Progressive Failure in Carrara Marble Under Wet and Dry Conditions.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, no. 5 (May 18, 2018): 3780–98.
Leith, K., Fox, M., Moore, J.R., (2018) Signatures of Late Pleistocene fluvial incision in an Alpine landscape. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 483, 13-28.
Nie, W., Krautblatter, M., Leith, K., Thuro, K., Festl, J., (2017) A modified tank model including snowmelt and infiltration time lags for deep-seated landslides in alpine environments (Aggenalm, Germany), Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.
Jia, H., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., (2017) Path-Dependent Frost-Wedging Experiments in Fractured, Low-Permeability Granite. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.
Fox, M., Leith, K., Bodina, T., Balco, G., Shustera, D.L., (2015) Rate of fluvial incision in the Central Alps constrained through joint inversion of detrital 10Be and thermochronometric data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, and S. Loew (2014). In situ stress control on micro-crack generation and macroscopic extensional fracture in exhuming bedrock, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth).
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, and S. Loew (2014). Sub-glacial extensional fracture development and implications for Alpine valley evolution, Journal of Geophysical Research (Earth Surface).
Book chapters
Krautblatter, M., Leith, K. (2015) Glacier/permafrost related slope instabilities. in, The High Mountain Cryosphere: Environmental Changes and Human Risks; Cambridge University Press. eds. Huggel, C. Clague, J. J., Kaab, A., and Carey, M.
Leith, K. (2012). Stress development and geomechanical controls on the geomorphic evolution of alpine valleys. Ph.D., ETH Zurich.
Leith, K. (2003). The role of deep-seated landsliding in the geomorphic evolution of the Esk Valley, Hawke’s Bay: An innovative approach to hazard evaluation. M.Sc., University of Canterbury
Invited Presentations
Leith, K., Li, Y., Wu, R., Selvadurai, P., Perras, M. (2021) “How wet is that rock?” Why we can no longer avoid asking the difficult questions Eos Trans. AGU, Fall meeting Supplement
Leith, K. (2019) Integrating meteorological observations with subsurface data in order to understand time-dependant fracturing of exposed bedrock. Keynote presentation. COMSOL Geoscience Day, 27/5/2019, University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences
Leith, K. (2018) The role of landscape evolution in landslide predisposition, preparatory factors and triggers. CAS ETH in Angewandten Erdwissenschaften Blockkurs 52: Instabile Hänge – Understanding landslide processes and mechanisms. 10/09/2018, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Leith, K. (2018) The subtle geomorphological and physical drivers that lead to rock slope failure. Durham University Physical Geography Seminar Series. 17/05/2018, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom.
Conference proceedings (extended)
Moradian, O., Wu, R.,, Li, Y., Leith, K., S. Loew (2021) Acoustic emission and digital image correlation for damage evolution in brittle rocks under time-dependent tensile loading, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833 012090
Ganye, J.A., Alcanio-Olivares, R., Perras, M.A., Leith, K. (2020) Back Analysis to Determine the Stress State around the Bedretto Adit, Switzerland, Proceedings, Eurock 2020
Alcanio-Olivares, R., Perras, M.A., Ziegler, M., Leith, K. (2020) Thermo-mechanical cliff stability at tomb KV42 in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, Proceedings, Eurock 2020
Y. Li., K. Leith, O. Moradian, S. Loew, and M. A. Perras. (2019) A New Laboratory to Undertake Climatically Controlled Static Loading and Constant Strain Tests: Design and Preliminary Results. 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York.
Alcaino-Olivares, R., Hayden, D., Perras, M.A., Leith, K., Loew, S. (2018) Fracture Growth on Långören Island, Finland, on the Hottest Day on Record in 2014, Extended Abstracts, Geo Edmonton, Edmonton, Canada
Leith, K., Perras, M., Siren, T., Rantanen, T., Wolter, A., Heinonen, S., Loew, S., (2017). Development of a new thermally-induced fracture in a 12,000 year old bedrock surface, Extended Abstracts, Progressive rock failure conference, Ascona, Switzerland
Perras, M., Hadener, P., Leith, K., Loew, S., Paraskevopoulou, C. (2017). Influence of sample geometry on constant-strain relaxation tests on limestone, Extended Abstracts, Progressive rock failure conference, Ascona, Switzerland
Voigtlander, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter. M, (2017). Time to failure – progression of joints by subcritical crack growth and stress corrosion cracking in quartzite, Extended Abstracts, Progressive rock failure conference, Ascona, Switzerland
Weraneck, K., Jakobi, M., Graf, M. A., Koch, A. W., Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., Faseroptische Überwachung des Materialverhaltens von Naturstein auf Basis eines myRIO-Messsystems
Leith, K., F. Amann, J.R. Moore, A. Kos,and S. Loew (2010). Conceptual modeling of near-surface extensional fracture in the Matter and Saas Valleys, Switzerland., Proceedings,International Association for Engineering Geology Congress, Auckland, NZ.
Symmans, B.S. K. Leith (2006). Residential Subdivision Over Active Fault and Landslide Terrain; Earthquakes and Urban Development, Proceedings of New Zealand Geotechnical Society 2006 Symposium
Leith, K., Li, Y., Selvadurai, P., Perras, M., Loew, S. (2020) Stress and Strain Resulting from Water Adsorption on an Induced Tensile Fracture in Fine Grained Granite, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall meeting Supplement
Li, Y., Leith, K., Wu, R., Moradian, O., Perras, M., and Loew, S., (2019), Initial insights into progressive failure during relaxation of Herrnholz granite subjected to three-point bending, Abstract Volume 17th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, p. 9–9.
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., and Loew, S., (2019), Reconstruction of erosional stages in the Bhutan Himalaya through a combination of hillslope extracted morphological markers and knickpoint analysis, v. 21, p. EGU2019–15417, doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000391936.
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., and Loew, S., (2019), River channel perturbations resulting from active landsliding in the High Himalaya of Bhutan, Abstract Volume 17th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, p. 286–286.
Roques, C., Lacroix, S., Jae Rachens, E., Rupp, D., Leith, K., Longuevergne, L., Leray, S., Grant, G., and Selker, J., (2019), Geomorphological Controls on Stream Baseflow Recession, , p. H22A–04.
Wu, R., Moradian, O., Li, Y., Leith, K., and Loew, S., 2019, Acoustic emission observation during staged loading and relaxation of Herrnholz granite subjected to three-point bending, Abstract Volume 17th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, p. 20–20.
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2019) Reconstruction of erosional stages in the Bhutan Himalaya through a combination of hillslope extracted morphological markers and knickpoint analysis, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU General Assembly 2019
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2018) Principal joint sets and geomorphic markers in NW Bhutan, Himalayan Karakorum Tibet Workshop, 10-12 September, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2018
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2018) Assessing the predictive capacity of hillslope projected channel steepness for rockslope instability in the High Himalaya of Bhutan, Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 2018
Leith, K., Fox, M., Moore, J., Loew, S., (2018) A glacial or fluvial origin for Alpine valleys: How personality, politics, and war killed one of the great debates in geomorphology, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU General Assembly 2018
de Palézieux, L., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2018) A method to extract transient erosional signals from hillslopes in fluvial valleys, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU General Assembly 2018
Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., Breuer, S., Müller, B.I.R., Scheffzük, Ch., Schilling, F.R., Krautblatter, M. (2018), In-situ strain detection of stress-strain relationships and their controls on progressive damage in marble and quartzite by neutron diffraction experiments, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU General Assembly 2018
Voigtlander, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter. M, (2017) Constraining the physics of subcritical crack growth in Carrara Marble using neutron diffraction techniques. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6
Voigtlaender, Anne; Leith, Kerry; Krautblatter, Michael (2017) Progressive fracture in quartzite samples as a result of chemo-mechanical interactions, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU General Assembly 2017
Kerry Leith, Matthew Perras, Topias Siren, Tuomas Rantanen, Suvi Heinonen, and Simon Loew (2017) Dynamic fracture development in response to extreme summer temperatures: 27/7/2014, Långören Island, Finland, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU General Assembly 2017
Leith, K., Fox, M., Moore, J.R., (2016) Rock slope response to fluvial incision in the central Swiss Alps, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Voigtlaender, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., (2016) Residual strain change resulting from stress corrosion in Carrara marble, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Click to view moreVoigtlaender, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., and Walter, J. M., (2015) Induced damage in Carrara Marble as a result of long-term low-magnitude environmental stresses, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., Fox, M., and Moore, J. R. (2015) Fluvial development of major Alpine valleys since the mid-Pleistocene transition, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Voigtlaender, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., Walter, J. M., and Scheffzük, C. (2015). Application of neutron diffraction techniques for the observation of residual stress changes due to brittle fracture in intact rock, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., Voigtländer, A., Kupp, J., Geisenhof, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2014). Stress changes associated with deglaciation on the Zugspitzplatt, Proceedings of the 7th AK Permafrost meeting, 23 – 26 Oct 2014, Ammersee, Bavaria, Germany.
Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., and Krautblatter, M. (2014). Fracture development in association with chemical and mechanical processes in carbonate rock, Proceedings of the 7th AK Permafrost meeting, 23 – 26 Oct 2014, Ammersee, Bavaria, Germany.
Leith, K., Voigtländer, A., Kupp, J., Geisenhof, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2014). Deglaciation and stress-induced fracture propagation on the Zugspitzplatt, SE Germany, Proceedings of the 8th I.A.G./A.I.G. working group SEDIBUD, 1 – 4 Sept 2014, Zugspitze/Reintal, Bavaria, Germany.
Leith, K., Moore, J.R., Loew, S., and Krautblatter, M. (2014). Far-field stress changes and progressive rock slope instability resulting from fluvial incision at the axis of a major Alpine valley, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, and S. Loew (2013). Bedrock stresses and extensional fracture development within an evolving Alpine landscape, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, A. Kos,and S. Loew (2010). Slope failure induced by post-glacial extensional fracturing in the Matter and Saas valleys, Switzerland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., A. Kos, S. Loew, and J.R. Moore (2009). Valley Evolution and Controls on Present-Day Rock Slope Processes inthe Matter and Saas Valleys, Switzerland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K. (2008). Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation in Emergent Soft Rock Terrain, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. Slope Tectonics 08, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Pettinga, J., McKean, J., Mountjoy, J., Pere, V., Leith, K and Mackey, B. (2005) Late Quaternary large-scale rock-mass defect controlled landslides of Eastern North Island, New Zealand: Tectonic and climatic forcing in landscape evolution. In Pettinga, J.R. and Wandres, A.M. (eds) Programme and Abstracts, Geological Society of New Zealand 50th Annual Conference, Kaikoura, New Zealand. Geological Society of New Zealand Misc. Publ. 119A: 68.
Pettinga, J.R., McKean, JA., Mountjoy, J., Pere, VH., Leith, K., Mackey, B. (2005) Late Quaternary Large-Scale Rock-Mass Defect Controlled Landslides of Eastern North Island, New Zealand: Tectonic and Climatic Forcing in Landscape Evolution, Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall meeting Supplement Abstract H31A-1282.
Almazan Delfini, S., Leith, K., Gischig, V. (2019) Modelling vibration-induced stresses in tall (11 to 40 m) rock columns partially supported by interstitial ice, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU General Assembly 2019
Voigtländer, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter M. (2019) How to tell the story of progressive rock failure?, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU General Assembly 2019
von Wartburg, J., Susan Ivy-Ochs, S., Leith, K., Aaron, J., ,Viganò, A., Martin,S., Campedel, P.,, Vockenhuber, C., Loew, S., (2018) Reconstruction of the 550 x106 m3 Molveno rock avalanche, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU General Assembly 2018
Hartmeyer I., Keuschnig M., Helfricht K., Leith K., Otto J.-C., Krautblatter M. (2018) Thinning Glaciers, Falling Rocks? Recent glacier retreat and its contribution to increased high-alpine rockfall activity. 10th AK Permafrost at Bremerhaven, Germany
Hartmeyer I., Keuschnig M., Helfricht K., Leith K., Otto J.-C., Krautblatter M. (2018): Thinning Glaciers, Falling Rocks? The intriguing (and unknown) contribution of recent glacier retreat to increased high-alpine rockfall activity. 19. Österreichischer Klimatag, 23.-25. April 2018, Salzburg.
Helfricht K., Hartmeyer I., Keuschnig M., Krautblatter K., Leith K., Otto J.-C. (2018): GlacierRocks – Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gletscher und Felswand in Randklüften und deren Auswirkungen auf die Steinschlag-Aktivität. Jahrestagung des AK Hochgebirge, 2.-4. Februar 2018, Innsbruck.
De Palézieux L., Leith K., Loew S., (2017) Incorporation of hillslope morphology into an analysis of river profile development in NW Bhutan, p288 – 289, Abstract Volume 7 . Geomorphology, 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Davos, 17th – 18th November
Leith, K., Perras, M., Loew, S., (2017) Integration of open-source hardware in a low-power, low-cost system to monitor thermally-driven rock fracturing, p 549, Abstract Volume 16. Geoscience and Geoinformation – From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation, 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Davos, 17th – 18th November
Hartmeyer, I., Keuschnig, I., Krautblatter, M., Helfricht, K., Leith, K., Otto, J., (2017) GlacierRocks – Glacier-Headwall Interaction and its Influence on Rockfall Activity, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU General Assembly 2017
De Palézieux, L., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2017) Analysis of River Profiles in northwestern Bhutan, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU General Assembly 2017
Dini, B., Manconi, A., Leith, K., Loew, S., (2016) Preliminary assessment of active rock slope instabilities in the high Himalaya of Bhutan, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Leith, K., Hofmayer, F., Kessler, B., Krautblatter, M., (2016) Preconditioning of the Eibsee rock avalanche by deglaciation and development of critical bedrock stresses, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Jia, H., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., (2016) Experimental simulation of frost wedging-induced crack propagation in alpine rockwall, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Voigtlaender, A., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., (2016) Residual strain change resulting from stress corrosion in Carrara marble, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Raab, T., Leith, K., Krautblatter, M., (2016) Geomorphological indicators of coseismic and extreme-rainfall slope instabilities in alpine settings (New Zealand, China, Taiwan), EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016
Click to view moreLeith, K., Kupp, J., Geisenhof, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2015) Induced stress changes and associated fracture development as a result of deglaciation on the Zugspitzplatt, SE Germany, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., Krammel, L., and Krautblatter, M., (2015) The effect of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Sichuan earthquake on regional landslide patterns between 2001 and 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., Schmitt, M., Sickert, S., Metzger, A., Krautblatter, M., (2014). Utilizing web-based geodata for rapid disaster identification and assessment, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., Fox, M., Moore, J.R., Brosda, J., Krautblatter, M., and Loew, S. (2014). Geomorphic controls on Pleistocene knickpoint migration in Alpine valleys, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Voigtlaender, A., K. Leith, and M. Krautblatter (2014) Stress corrosion-controlled rates of mode I fracture propagation in calcareous bedrock, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, S. Loew, and M. Krautblatter (2013). Progressive rock slope failure resulting from fluvial incision and far-field stress changes in alpine landscapes, NH21A-1507, AGU Fall Assembly 2013.
Leith, K., M. Fox, J.R. Moore, and S. Loew (2013). Transient rock slope processes driven by Pleistocene fluvial incision in Alpine valleys, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, P. Sternai, S.Ivy-Ochs, F. Herman, and S. Loew (2012). Reconstruction of an extensive Younger Dryas glacial stadial in Canton Valais, Switzerland, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, and S. Loew(2012). Long-term intact rock strength and critical in situ stresses in near-surface bedrock, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, F. Amann, and S. Loew(2011). Effect of glacial ice cover on fracturing in critically stressed bedrock, Geophysical Research Abstracts13. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
Leith, K., J.R. Moore, P. Sternai, S.Ivy-Ochs, F. Herman, and S. Loew (2011). A multidisciplinary approach to the reconstruction of a Lateglacial stadial in Canton Valais, Switzerland, Proceedings, 9th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland.
Leith, K., A. Pedrazzini, R. Seifert, J.R. Moore, A. Kos, and M. Jaboyedoff (2010). Combined high-resolution terrestrial LIDAR and time-lapse photography for rockfall monitoring and analysis, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-5937-1.
Leith, K. (2003). The role of Deep-seated Landslides in the Geomorphic Evolution of the Esk River Valley, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, GSNZ Annual Conference 2003Leith, K. (2003) The Influence of Deep-seated Landslides on the Geomorphic Evolution of the Esk River Valley, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, AQUA Conference 2003
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