
Geohazard information for the masses

Category: BSc

BSc Patricia Hug: Assessment of deep-seated landslide distributions in the Canton Valais

Candidate: Patricia Hug Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Andrea Manconi Institution: ETH Zurich Activity: Beginning Spring 2018 Gaining a better understanding of processes that contribute to the formation of large rock slope failures can provide important insight into their mechanics and future development throughout the Alps. Such instabilities are commonly assumed to be initiated as a result of erosion, seismic activity, or […]


BSc opportunity: Characterisation of >300 rainfall-induced landslides on a major transport route in the Bhutan Himalaya

Gaining a better understanding of factors that contribute to the location of rainfall-induced landslides affecting alpine transport networks is an important first stem in protecting against such events, and maintaining access to critical regions during intense weather events. Three days of late monsoon rainfall in the Bhutan Himalaya this year generated an unprecedented degree of […]


BSc opportunity: Processing of acoustic emission (AE) data from an exfoliation fracture formed in response to high temperatures in the Finnish Archipelago

Exceptionally warm summer temperatures in northern Europe during the summer of 2014 were accompanied by active fracturing and small rockbursts from flat-lying postglacial bedrock surfaces on a small Finnish Island. Employing a new portable acoustic emission detection system, this project will investigate the correspondence between key environmental variables (air and rock temperature, humidity, wind, and […]


BSc opportunity: Robust Sensor Infrastructures for Environmental Monitoring

The global increase in atmospheric temperature may be accelerating the physical breakdown of landscape and infrastructure. Rock expands when heated, and combined with other stresses in the landscape associated with topography and regional tectonic history, can potentially trigger the formation of large rockfalls. Recently, large bedrock outcrops in California and Finland hosted dramatic fracturing events […]


BSc Andrina Vlasek: Assessment of deep-seated landslide distributions in the Alps: Ticino

Candidate: Andrina Vlasek Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Andrea Manconi Institution: ETH zurich Activity: Completed summer 2016 Natural hazards such as landslides happen frequently in Switzerland, more than 6% of Switzerland’s area is prone to slope instability. Not all landscapes are equally prone to landslide instabilities, but depend on various factors, such as geologic (e.g. lithology), topographic (e.g. slope steepness) […]


BSc Barbara Kessler: Stress changes and fracture development on the Zugspitzplatt as a result of deglaciation.

Candidate: Barbara Kessler Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Michael Krautblatter Institution: Technical University of Munich Activity: Completed summer 2015 The impact of glacier retreat on rock slope instability since the Last Glacial Maximum is the subject of ongoing debate. Rock slope activity since ice retreat is typically attributed to increased kinematic freedom as a result of erosion during glaciation, […]


BSc Felix Hofmayer: Preconditioning of the Eibsee Bergsturz by deglaciation & development of near-surface critical stress

Candidate: Felix Hofmayer Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Michael Krautblatter Institution: Technical University of Munich Activity: Completed summer 2015 Especially in alpine areas with a high density of population there is a huge risk of heavy rockfalls. Most of all in case there is a touristic dependency for the region. The Zugspitze with Garmisch-Patenkirchen at the bottom is a […]


BSc Jan Kupp: Sub-glacial cementation and formation of cracks related to the retreat of the Schneeferner Glacier

Candidate: Jan Kupp Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Michael Krautblatter Institution: Technical University of Munich Activity: Completed summer 2014


BSc Benedikt Geisenhof: Strukturelle Analyse der Gatterl und Zugspitzplatt Felsstürze

Candidate: Benedikt Geisenhof Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Michael Krautblatter Institution: Technical University of Munich Activity: Completed summer 2014


BSc Theresa Raab: Abschätzung der potentiell durch Hang-Gerinne-Kopplung mobilisierbaren Geschiebefracht im Wildbacheinzugsgebiet des Steigbachtales (Immenstadt,D)

Candidate: Theresa Raab Supervisors: Kerry Leith, Michael Krautblatter Institution: Technical University of Munich Activity: Completed summer 2013


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